Residents Hold a Communal Phone-In to Report Noxious Fumes & Demand Regulatory Actio
Stand Together Against Neighborhood Drilling, Los Angeles (STAND-LA) is streaming LIVE on periscope to show you what neighborhood drilling really looks like.
We found out just last night that Freeport McMoRan would be conducing a “well rework” at their Jefferson Drill site. These oil extraction jobs require a huge, noisy drill rig, tanker trucks full of unknown chemicals, and noxious fumes that spread throughout the community, giving nearby residents nausea and headaches.
At 9:30am this morning, community members will assemble at the Jefferson Drill Site to a communal “phone-in” to report chemical odor complaints to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The phone is calling attention to the lack of response from the regulators who are supposedly charged with protecting the community from the toxic fumes emitted from neighborhood drilling sites. Residents will be protesting the AQMD’s overly stringent set of rules and protocol that places the onus of identifying public nuisance facilities on the community. They require 6 residents from 6 different households to call in a complaint. After calling to report noxious fumes, AQMD inspectors have taken up to
7 hours to respond, often they do not bring monitoring equipment, and they always call the drill site to warn them that they are on their way.
Budding Gate of Jefferson Drill Site
Near residence at 3029 Budlong Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
WHEN: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 9:00AM - 10:15 AM PST
We found out just last night that Freeport McMoRan would be conducing a “well rework” at their Jefferson Drill site. These oil extraction jobs require a huge, noisy drill rig, tanker trucks full of unknown chemicals, and noxious fumes that spread throughout the community, giving nearby residents nausea and headaches.
At 9:30am this morning, community members will assemble at the Jefferson Drill Site to a communal “phone-in” to report chemical odor complaints to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The phone is calling attention to the lack of response from the regulators who are supposedly charged with protecting the community from the toxic fumes emitted from neighborhood drilling sites. Residents will be protesting the AQMD’s overly stringent set of rules and protocol that places the onus of identifying public nuisance facilities on the community. They require 6 residents from 6 different households to call in a complaint. After calling to report noxious fumes, AQMD inspectors have taken up to
7 hours to respond, often they do not bring monitoring equipment, and they always call the drill site to warn them that they are on their way.
Budding Gate of Jefferson Drill Site
Near residence at 3029 Budlong Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
WHEN: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 9:00AM - 10:15 AM PST
- Richard Parks, President and Executive Director of Redeemer Community Partnership
- Redeemer Community Partnership is a member of the Stand Together Against Neighborhood Drilling Los Angeles (STAND-LA) coalition, which is dedicated to safeguarding the well-being, health and safety of Angelenos living and working in close proximity to oil drilling sites.
- Niki Wong, Lead Community Organizer of Redeemer Community Partnership
- Lillian Marenco, Long-time Neighbor of Jefferson Drill Site (Spanish Speaker)
- Corissa Pacillas-Smith, Adjacent Resident
- Mrs. Ghaman, Adjacent Resident